Assurance Technology Corp.

In The News

ATC Compact Environmental Anomaly Sensor Experiment (CEASE) Instrument Launched On TacSat-4
October 4, 2011

The Tactical Satellite-4 (TacSat-4), launched September, 27th 2011, includes the CEASE Compact Environmental Anomaly Sensor Experiment (CEASE) Instrument developed by Assurance Technology Corporation and Amptek, Incorporated. This lightweight, low power (1kg- 1.5 Watt) Space Instrument measures the satellite space radiation environment, also known as space weather. Its objectives are to provide awareness of the ambient space radiation, and to provide warning of space-environmental conditions likely to cause anomalous satellite operations. As an example, CEASE will enable TacSat-4 to sample the high energy electron population fluxes in its High Elliptical Orbit (HEO) environment during electron events.
  Compact Environmental Anomaly Sensor Experiment (CEASE)